Super Abs in 30 Days is a unique highly effective abs routine for abdominal muscles. It is 6 Pack Abs Workout or even 8 Pack Abs Workout for 1 month. You need to do only 4 exercises each day and the number of reps for each exercise will be increased daily. Workout every day and in 30 days your abs will get perfectly toned!Features: * Quick and effective abs workout routine* Only 4 exercises with steady load increase* Pictures and video for each exercise* Workout schedule for 30 days* Workout diary* Workout calendar* Nutrition advice* Nutrition program for 3 days* FAQs
This workout for abs is equally good for home and gym. The routine was designed for those who want to build abs quickly and see a sixpack in 30 days. It is recommended for both men and women. Use this app as your personal trainer and the best 6 pack builder. Detailed and clear workout schedule is included.
Proper healthy nutrition during the workout period is crucial so we’ve also provided nutrition advice and a reference nutrition program.
NOTE: This workout routine is not recommended for children under 13.